Try the political quiz

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 @9FLW7CNfrom New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Think about the amount of energy you personally use in one day. Do you know how long it would take one person to walk the distance you drive to work? Do you know how much energy it would take one person to power lights using only bicycle power? What would happen if people stopped using all energy for one day, what would happen to our society? Global warming may have happened without humans, but the energy we produce and use every single day just in our daily lives is exponentially more than we ever have throughout all of time. The burning of fossil fuels must be the cause of the environmental crises we are undergoing because there is a direct link between global warming and the amount of energy humans use.

 @9NNDB23disagreed…3 days3D

Climate change is the consequence of uncontrolled capitalist growth through pollluting materials which is now destroying the planet