Prøv den politiske quiz

10 svar


Hvordan ville du balancere personlig frihed med behovet for offentlig sikkerhed i samfundet?


Hvilken rolle bør regeringen spille i reguleringen af virksomheder for at sikre retfærdige praksisser?


Hvis du skulle vælge, ville du prioritere økonomisk vækst eller miljøbeskyttelse, og hvorfor?


I hvilke situationer, hvis nogen, er det okay at begrænse individuelle rettigheder for fællesskabets bedste?


How important are traditional values in shaping a society's future, in your opinion?


Should healthcare be considered a personal responsibility or a societal one? Why?


What does 'national pride' mean to you, and how should it be expressed?


In your view, how can a society ensure that personal responsibility leads to success for everyone?


What is the role of education in promoting individual freedom and responsibility?


How do you think changes in technology are affecting ideas about personal freedom and privacy?