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Yes, but the government should allow the free market to remain free, while measures should be put in place to prevent corporate mergers from creating monopolies, if they control more than 50% of the market share. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes, but the government should allow the free market to remain free, while measures should be put in place to prevent corporate mergers from creating monopolies, if they control a monopolistic percentage of the market share. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes, however, the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies since mergers would create a monopoly of a market and stifle competition. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes; however, the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies because mergers would create a monopoly of a market and stifle competition. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes, these mergers would create a monopoly of a market and stifle competition. However, the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes, however, the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market share then they should have regulation on it. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes, however, the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market share then they should have regulation on it. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes, however, the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it. Preventing mega mergers will result in more competition, more options, and more reliable service.


Yes; however, the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it. These mergers would create a monopoly of a market and stifle competition.


Yes, however the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it. These mergers would create a monopoly of a market and stifle competition.


Yes, yet the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage (50% or more) of the market then they should have regulation on it. The government should also encourage smaller businesses to open so there’s more competition in the market.


Yes, yet the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it. The government should also encourage smaller businesses to open so there’s more competition in the market.


Yes; the government should allow the free market to remain free but always stop monopolies. In regards to this, if the merger controls a monopolistic percentage of the market then they should have regulation on it.

  @8TKFNNS from Texas answered…3yrs3Y

Yes so that way Mega corrupted Corporation can held Accountable in Court of Law one day.

 @8L28NK4 from Utah answered…4yrs4Y

Regardless, more measures should be taken to create competition and lower prices.

 @8KX67Q9 from California answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, the current anti-trust laws in place are not enough to prevent monopolization and mega corporations are harmful to the diversity of our economy.

 @8JHKCHJ from Ohio answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, these will create monopolies with will make our economy unstable and unable for other companies to emerge.

 @8DX8BWM from Wisconsin answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if the merged corporation would have more than 69% of the market share