Try the political quiz

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Socialism is a political ideology that advocates for the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. It emphasizes the principle that wealth and income should be shared more equally among the people. Socialists argue that the distribution of wealth and power in a society should be controlled by the whole community rather than by individuals or private corporations.

The roots of socialism as a political ideology can be traced back to the French Revolution in the late 18th century, but it was not until the 19th century that it…  Read more


Would the ideal of 'success' change for you if money was distributed equally, and how?


In a world where your worth isn't tied to your paycheck, how would you find purpose?


How would you express your creativity if it didn't lead to financial benefits?


If the guarantee of financial security was universal, how might that shape your relationships with others?


Social Democracy

Social Democracy is a political ideology that advocates for a balance between a capitalist or market economy and strong governmental intervention to promote social justice. It is rooted in the belief that social and economic inequalities should be minimized through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even welfare state measures. The ideology also supports a robust public sector, including public education, healthcare, and child care, as well as other services aimed at minimizing poverty and homelessness.

The origins of Social Democracy can be traced back to the 19th century, during…  Read more


How are your personal aspirations influenced by the societal values of support and empowerment over competition?


In what ways could a society that ensures a decent living standard for all influence the collective mental health?


How connected do you feel to the concept of social welfare contributing to overall national prosperity?


If everyone had equal educational opportunities, how do you think that would impact innovation and creativity in society?



Liberalism is a political ideology that emphasizes individual rights, equality, and the protection of civil liberties. It is rooted in the principles of democracy, free market economics, and the rule of law. The term "liberalism" comes from the Latin word "liber," meaning "free," and it is fundamentally concerned with the concept of freedom and the rights of the individual.

The origins of liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries, a period of intellectual and philosophical development that emphasized reason, analysis,…  Read more


How might youth today redefine the concept of freedom for future generations?


How can individuals contribute to a progressive society that champions social justice?


What responsibilities come with having the right to free speech, in your opinion?


Have you felt a personal impact from a change in laws or social policies directed toward increased equality?



Democracy is a political ideology that is based on the principle of equality and freedom. It is a system of government where the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is often associated with the rule of law, protection of human rights, and the active participation of the people in the political process.

The term "democracy" comes from the Greek words "demos" (people) and "kratos" (rule), which translates to "rule by the people". The concept of democracy…  Read more


How would you redesign the electoral system to better reflect the diversity of today's society?


What if voting also included community service requirements; would this strengthen or weaken democracy?


If you could instantly change one thing about your government's priorities, what would it be and why?


How do you think historical figures who fought for democracy would view our modern democratic society?



Distributism is a socio-economic philosophy that advocates for a wide distribution of property and wealth within a society. It emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency and the decentralization of power. The ideology is rooted in the belief that the health of an economy should be judged not by the wealth it produces, but by how that wealth is distributed among its people. It proposes that the most equitable and just economic system is one where property and business ownership are spread as widely as possible, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a few.

Distributism was first arti…  Read more


Imagine going to a school where each student has a say in its operations; how do you think this would affect your education experience?

 @9HF5JLSParty for Freedomanswered…5mos5MO

Quality of education would decrease. Students can be conducted by officials.


As a potential future owner in the economy, what industry would you most like to revolutionize, and why?


Imagine entertainment and media were predominantly produced by local, community-owned companies; how do you think content would change?


How might the shift toward shared ownership impact the way communities address mental health and wellness?


Islamic Socialism

Islamic Socialism is a political ideology that blends the principles of socialism with the teachings and values of Islam. It emerged in the mid-20th century as a response to both Western capitalist and Eastern socialist models, aiming to provide a third way that was more in line with Islamic principles. The ideology seeks to address social inequality and economic disparity, advocating for wealth redistribution, social justice, and public ownership of resources, all within the framework of Islamic law and ethics.

Islamic Socialism's roots can be traced back to the early Islamic concepts…  Read more


If you were to create a business, how would incorporating social welfare goals alter your approach?


What does 'equality' mean to you, and how is it reflected (or not) in your current environment?


How would your day-to-day decisions be influenced if the focus was on social responsibility rather than profit maximization?


Would a system that emphasizes equality and societal benefit over competition align with your values or contradict them?


National Catholicism

National Catholicism is a political ideology that combines elements of nationalism with Catholic religious doctrine. It emerged in the 20th century, primarily in Europe, as a response to the secularization of society and the perceived threat of communism. The ideology seeks to establish a close relationship between the state and the Catholic Church, with the Church often playing a significant role in shaping national identity and policy.

The roots of National Catholicism can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the Catholic Church was grappling with the challenges pos…  Read more


In your view, should national leaders declare their religious beliefs and how might that influence their leadership?


In a society rooted in religious tradition, how can individual expression and creativity flourish?


How would you feel if your religious views were the cornerstone of your country's identity?


In what ways do you think societal unity can be achieved without compromising on religious diversity?


National Conservatism

National Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the preservation and promotion of national interests and cultural identity over individualism and global integration. It is a variant of conservatism that values the traditions, heritage, and established social order within a nation. National conservatives believe in the importance of national sovereignty and often advocate for restrictions on immigration, protectionist economic policies, and a focus on law and order.

The roots of National Conservatism can be traced back to the 19th century, during the rise of nationalism in Europe.…  Read more


How would you explain the balance of individual freedom and national values to a peer?


What role does folklore or traditional storytelling play in your family or community?


How does your sense of national identity shape your dreams and goals?


What national achievement or innovation are you most proud of, and why?



Reformism is a political ideology that advocates for gradual changes within the existing political and social system, as opposed to radical changes or a complete overthrow of the system. Reformists believe that changes should be made incrementally and within the framework of the law. They argue that this approach is more practical and less disruptive than revolutionary change, and that it allows for the preservation of societal stability and order while still addressing social injustices and inequalities.

The roots of reformism can be traced back to the 19th century, during the rise of industr…  Read more


Can encouraging creativity and innovation in small ways at school prepare students for solving future global challenges?


How does recognizing and addressing your own biases contribute to personal reform and subsequently impact society?


How do regular discussions and check-ins on team goals lead to better alignment and eventual success?


What's a simple act of environmental consciousness you perform that, if adopted widely, could spur significant reform?



Statism is a political ideology that advocates for a significant role of the state in social, economic, and political life. It emphasizes the centrality of the state in the governance of society, often advocating for government control over economic planning, social services, and public utilities. The degree of state intervention can vary widely among different forms of statism, ranging from moderate state interventionism to complete state control over all aspects of life.

The roots of statism can be traced back to ancient civilizations where the state had a central role in society. However,…  Read more


If all cultural norms were state-endorsed, how would you preserve traditions important to you?


How would the dynamic in your favorite sport change if it was governed by strict state rules?


How much trust would you place in a government that claims to know what's best for your health and wellbeing?