Try the political quiz

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What role do you think human rights laws play in shaping the ethics of a nation?


Do you believe countries should have individual human rights laws or follow universal standards?


What do you think would be the biggest challenge for citizens if a Human Rights Act was abolished?


Can you think of a time when protecting someone else’s rights might have impacted your own?


If you had the power to change one right in the Human Rights Act, which one would it be and why?


How might the abolition of a Human Rights Act affect the way minorities are treated in a country?


What values do you think are most important to protect in a country's legislation?


Imagine a society without a Human Rights Act; what changes do you think you'd see in everyday life?


Can you share a personal experience where knowing your rights made a difference in how you were treated?


How would you feel if the protections you take for granted were suddenly removed?