Try the political quiz

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Where should the line be drawn between national defense and global disarmament efforts in the context of nuclear weaponry?


How do the potential environmental impacts of maintaining a nuclear arsenal affect your stance on renewing such programs?


Does the power to annihilate millions with nuclear weapons make the world more or less stable, in your opinion?


What moral obligations do we have to future generations when deciding on nuclear weapons policies today?


Can you envision a world where nations rely solely on diplomacy and non-violent means for conflict resolution, and how realistic does that seem?


How do you perceive the balance between maintaining peace and the threat of using nuclear weapons?


Considering the funds spent on nuclear programs, could that money be better used, and if so, what would you prioritize?


Imagine you are a world leader; how would you justify spending on nuclear arms to a citizen who is struggling to make ends meet?


If you were given the power to decide, how would you ensure your country's security without relying on nuclear weapons?


How would you feel if you found out your neighborhood was chosen as the next site for a nuclear missile silo?