Increase, our economy relies on businesses hiring the highest skilled workers at the lowest cost
Decrease, companies are currently taking advantage of this program to decrease wages
Decrease, and the government should provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs

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 @97KWFFBfrom Texas answered…1yr1Y


Maintain or Increase, but the government should provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs


Increase, as the Dutch population is small compared to its relative economic size, but careful regulation of how companies pay their workers need to be monitored and reinforced by unions and workers councils. Equally incentives to increase local talent should also be increased simultaneously.


Increase, however the program needs more protections in place to prevent companies from taking advantage of immigrant workers.

 @9GJXCJD answered…6mos6MO

Remain the amount but have a better regulation such the company or high-skilled immigrants won't take too much advantage on it. For example, decrease the year of 30% ruling.

 @9BPFJVPfrom Utah answered…12mos12MO

Decrease, but only in some circumstances, if the immigrant comes from a poorer country then we should work with that country to be able to make use of their own population, and other measures should be taken to limit brain drain.

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