Yes, temporarily while we increase investment into cleaner renewable alternatives
No, we should invest in cleaner alternatives such as wind, hydroelectric, thorium, and geothermal
Yes, and nationalize the industry
Yes, but with public subsidy
Yes, as long as there is no public subsidy

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 @9LKP6P8from New Jersey answered…1mo1MO

No, but the existing nuclear infrastructure should be maintained until greener sources can fully support the grid


It depends on the type of nuclear energy, if were talking Nuclear Fission then no unless we use a more improved system(which would require more research into improving existince fission reactor technology to make it cleaner and safer). In the Case of Fusion Absolutely yes, this process is quite clean and self contained.


Yes, but we should focus on thorium, fusion, recycling, and radiation degradation reactors, better protect and restore nature and people's health, further increase safety, make long-term plans, and pursue international and independent supervision as well as international respect when allocating power plants. Meanwhile, we should not forget to heavily invest in solar power, wind power with bird detection, safe geothermal power, green biogas, hydroelectric power with fish tunnels and nature protection, and green batteries and a power2gas network while quickly getting rid of coal and fossil gas.


Yes, temporarily but step by step decreasing it and replacing it with cleaner alternatives.

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