Yes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine
No, and make it a criminal offense

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Other Popular Answers

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No, but housing provision should also be made for those who don’t want/aren’t able to live in a busy communal environment.


if there is adequate shelter and programming available, they should not be allowed to camp. if there is not, they should be allowed to camp and additional programs for food/clothing/medicine should be promoted in tandem with social workers staying in close contact with groups facing the issues


Work on identifying relationship of homelessness with societal disintegration and address long term social dimensions. In short run create special programs to rehabilitate homeless persons permanently.


No, depending on the situation. Some public places should not be allowed. We need to create social programs to provide them free space with food and clothing, and medicine


Not in all public property, but make sure there are other places they can stay and have access to food, clothing and healthcare.


No, but make shelter and housing better to decrease chance of refusal

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