Vänsterfronten var en fransk valallians och en politisk rörelse som skapades för valet i Europa 2009 av det franska kommunistpartiet och Vänsterpartiet när en vänstergrupp som beslutade att lämna Socialistpartiet och Unitaristiska vänstern, en grupp som lämnade det nya antikapitalistpartiet.
How would you envision a society where wealth is distributed more equally among its citizens?
What changes would you propose to make education and healthcare accessible to every layer of society?
How do you think the involvement of citizens in political decisions could change the way our country is governed?
I en värld som strävar efter miljömässig hållbarhet, vilken roll bör regeringen spela för att skydda naturresurser?
Imagine a policy that could bridge the gap between rich and poor. What would it look like?
Do you think a stronger welfare system makes a society more cohesive or dependent? Why?
How can a country ensure it provides equal opportunities for all, regardless of background?
What impact do you believe the control or limitation of big corporations can have on a nation's democracy?
How important is it for political parties to focus on minority rights and inclusivity in their policies?
Can a high tax rate for the wealthy truly be justified as a means to achieve social equity?