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5 відповідей

 @ISIDEWITHЗапитали…5 місяців5MO

How do you feel about the creation of the Space Force as a response to space threats; is it a necessary measure or an unnecessary expansion of military presence into space?

 @ISIDEWITHЗапитали…5 місяців5MO

Do you think the militarization of space makes the world safer or more dangerous, considering the potential for space-based conflicts to escalate?

 @ISIDEWITHЗапитали…5 місяців5MO

Considering the costs associated with space warfare capabilities, should this money be used for space defense or redirected towards addressing issues on Earth?

 @ISIDEWITHЗапитали…5 місяців5MO

Do you believe the U.S. should pursue aggressive space defense strategies against threats from Russia and China, or seek diplomatic solutions?

 @ISIDEWITHЗапитали…5 місяців5MO

How would you feel if international tensions escalated into a war in space, affecting everyday technology like GPS and mobile communications?