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Partidos políticos indianos cortejam eleitoras com distribuição de dinheiro em meio às dificuldades econômicas


Indian political parties are increasingly targeting women voters with fiscally draining handouts of cash around the time of elections to counter wider worries about inflation and the lack of jobs, analysts say.


Os partidos políticos da Índia estão a tentar conquistar os votos das mulheres com distribuição de dinheiro em meio às dificuldades econômicas.


Indian political parties are increasingly targeting women voters with fiscally draining handouts of cash around the time of elections... a fifth of India’s estimated 670 million women, the economic research division of Axis Bank says.


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Ukraine says 8:53 AM UTC · Updated ago Indiacategory Indian political parties woo women voters with cash handouts amid economic woes 8:47 AM UTC · Updated ago Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world’s largest multimedia...