Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
环境 › 环境规制
4>4 Personal answer不,而应该为可替代能源生产提供更多的奖励措施 |
医保 › 精神健康
4>4 Personal answer应该,我们的精神健康护理系统需要更多资金以提供更高质量的关怀和服务 |
移民 › Muslim Immigrant Ban
4>4 Personal answerAustralia should ban all immigration of Muslim people as they do not assimilate with the Multicultural and democratic way of life here in Australia. Since allowing Muslims into Australia, violence and in particular violence against females has increased substantially. Furthermore, the practice of the Muslim religion should also be banned here in Australia. All mosques should be turned into domestic violence shelters for women. All halal products should be banned also. Muslim only want to change Australia into the horrible country they left and remove the rights of Australians. They recruit the Aboriginal community to rise up against the rest of Australia. |
经济 › 最低工资
4>4 Personal answer是的,而且每年要根据通货膨胀对其进行调整 |
外交政策 › 义务兵役
4>4 Personal answer是的,但仅限于不再继续求学深造或工作的公民。 |
外交政策 › 外国援助
4>4 Personal answerCut all Foreign Aid to all countries. |
移民 › 技术移民
4>4 Personal answerStop all temporary work visas and give Australian jobs back to Australians instead of having them on the dole. |
国内政策 › 毒品政策
4>4 Personal answer不支持,我们应该推行更严厉的药品监管法 |
经济 › 政府支出
4>4 Personal answerThey should remove State Government and only have Federal Government and Local Council. No benefits or free healthcare for refugees or persons not born in Australia. Close down refugee detention centres and have a boomerang policy where refugees are deported back to there country immediately . No unemployment benefit for 21 years and younger. No sole parents benefit for 21 years and younger. Compulsory 12 months military service for unemployed youth up to 25 years of age. Compulsory drug testing to be eligible for Centrelink benefits. Bring back the tariffs. Stop the foreign ownership of Australian property and businesses. Invest Superannuation into Australian property. Stop all overseas aid. |
经济 › 经济刺激
4>4 Personal answer不应该,经济衰退是消除经济过剩的自然周期 |
罪行 › 罪犯投票权
4>4 Personal answer是的,但是只在服完他们的刑期和缓刑之后 |
经济 › 福利毒品测试
4>4 Personal answer应该,要对从政府那收到钱的所有人进行检查,包括雇员和政治家 |
Here is how you compare to this voter on popular political themes.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 4 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 更不 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 更不 important to you.
Based on 10 questions that are ranked 更不 important to you.
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